MAX-R is a 30-month IA that will define, develop and demonstrate a complete pipeline of tools for making, processing and delivering maximum-quality XR content in real time. The pipeline will be based on open APIs, open file and data transfer formats to encourage development and support the integration of new open source and proprietary tools. MAX-R builds on recent research and advances in Virtual Production technologies to develop real-time processes to deliver better quality, greater efficiency, enhanced interactivity, and novel content based on XR media data.
Max-R (Mixed Augmented and eXtended Reality media pipeline) was a Horizon Europe project that I led for CREW from 2022-2025. I designed an expansive multiplayer LBX infrastructure with remote rendering, live motion capture, “phygital” objects and content adapted to the physical site. It also featured rendering to (tracked) screens with procedural and tracked virtual cameras, laser projections as visual aid for performers and other features.
Contributions by UHasselt and UPF were instrumental.
Anxious Arrivals runs on a subset of this platform.
Partners were Disguise, Filmlight, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, UHasselt, FABW, The Foundry and Brainstorm.

VANHERCK Joni, ZOOMERS Brent, JORISSEN Lode, VANDEBROECK Isjtar, JORIS Eric & MICHIELS Nick (2024). Large-Area Spatially Aligned Anchors, Extended Reality. XR Salento 2024

MICHIELS Nick, JORISSEN Lode, PUT Jeroen, LIESENBORGS Jori, VANDEBROECK Isjtar, JORIS Eric, VAN REETH Frank (2024). Tracking and co-location of global point clouds for large-area indoor environments. Virtual Reality. link
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